Scribd & aNobii

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  1. Alois
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    Scribd è un sito web per la condivisione di documenti che permette agli utenti di caricare documenti di vari formati, incorporandoli in una pagina web usando il formato iPaper. Attualmente Scribd può contare mensilmente oltre 50 milioni utenti e più di 50.000 documenti caricati giornalmente.

    About Scribd
    Scribd is the largest social publishing and reading site in the world. We've made it incredibly simple for anyone to share and discover informative, entertaining and original written content on the web and mobile devices. Our vision is to liberate the written word, to connect people and organizations with the information and ideas that matter most to them.

    How Scribd Works
    On Scribd, you can easily turn any file—such as PDF, Word and PowerPoint—into a web document and immediately connect with passionate readers and information-seekers on our thriving community, through connected sites such as Facebook or Twitter and search engines such as Google. Scribd users have shared tens of millions of free and for-purchase documents and books ranging from vampire fan fiction to research reports and business presentations.

    There's something for everyone—students and teachers, business professionals, companies and organizations, writers and artists. Millions of people contribute to the conversations happening on the site through comments (scribbles), ratings and other sharing features. They also read in whatever way they choose, including on, mobile devices, through downloads or even in print.


    The Future of Publishing
    Scribd is rewriting the rules of publishing. We've maximized the power of the web to bring readers and creators of written content together, regardless of physical or format constraints, or even where or how they want to share and consume that content. On Scribd, there are no printing, distribution or storage costs while content gets quickly discovered through a network of social websites and search engines, where even the most obscure topics find their audience.

    Publishing and reading has witnessed only a handful of major innovations throughout history: cave drawings, the invention of written language, the printing press, the Internet. We're experiencing another pivotal moment in this history. Join us for the next revolution.

    In sostanza Scribd altro non è che una sorta di YouTube dei Libri. Vi si possono trovare molte cose.
    A mio avviso è fantistico *_* Quando l'ho scoperto me ne sono subito innamorato.

17 replies since 4/1/2010, 14:30   260 views