Kingdom Hearts Forum

Posts written by Airk.

  1. .
    Molto probabilmente in Italia non avranno fatto richiesta per il doppiaggio o non gliene frega poi tanto agli italiani...
  2. .
    Al diavolo... CoM lo comprerò quando uscirà per PS2 e una volta avuti tutti reinizierò tutto daccapo!

    - 5
  3. .
    Evvai... Non soso pensare come si sarebbero sentite le voci in italiano... O_O
  4. .
    5 giorni..... 5 giorni..... 5 giorni..... 5 giorni..... 5 giorni.....
  5. .
    Povero Crash Bash...
  6. .
    Vidi la classifica stilata su Rai Due dei videogiochi più belli di quel tempo e al primo posto c'era Kingdom Hearts... Poi lo prese un mio amico, vidi che roba era e me lo comprai!
  7. .
    3^ di Liceo Scientifico Chimico-Biologico
  8. .
    Linkin Park - From the Inside

    I don’t know who to trust no surprise
    (Everyone feels so far away from me)
    Happy thoughts sift through dust and the lies
    (Trying not to break but I’m so tired of this deceit)
    (Every time I try to make myself get back up on my feet)
    (All I ever think about is this)
    (All the tiring time between)
    (And how trying to put my trust in you just takes so much out of me)

    Take everything from the inside and throw it all away
    Cuz I swear for the last time I won’t trust myself with you

    Tension is building inside steadily
    (Everyone feels so far away from me)
    heavy thoughts forcing their way out of me
    (Trying not to break but I’m so tired of this deceit)
    (Every time I try to make myself get back up on my feet)
    (All I ever think about is this)
    (All the tiring time between)
    (And how trying to put my trust in you just takes so much out of me)

    Take everything from the inside and throw it all away
    Cuz I swear for the last time I won’t trust myself with you

    I won’t waste myself on you
    Waste myself on you

    I’ll take everything from the inside and throw it all away
    Cuz I swear for the last time I won’t trust myself with you

    Everything from the inside and just throw it all away
    Cuz I swear for the last time I won’t trust myself with you

    3 Doors Down - Going down in flames

    Don't tell me what to think, 'cause I don't care this time
    Don't tell me what to believe, 'cause you won't be there
    Catch me when I fall
    But you'll need me when I'm not here at all
    Miss me when I'm gone again

    I'm goin' down in flames
    I'm fallin' into this again
    I'm goin' down in flames
    I'm fallin' into this again

    Don't tell me how life is, 'cause I don't really wanna know
    Don't tell me how this game ends, 'cause we'll just see how it goes.
    Catch me when I fall
    Or you'll need me when I'm not here at all
    Miss me when I'm gone again.

    I'm goin' down in flames
    I'm fallin' into this again
    I'm goin' down in flames
    I'm fallin' into this again
    Now all the way down here I'm falling all the way
    All the way down here I'm falling again now.
    I'm falling down, I'm falling down, I'm falling down

    I'm goin' down in flames
    I'm fallin' into this again
    I'm goin' down in flames
    I'm fallin' into this again

    Now all the way down here I'm falling all the way
    All the way down here I'm falling again now.
    I'm falling down

  9. .
    Qualcuno di voi li ascolta? Io sono diventato loro fan da quando è uscito il loro album Meteora...
    Le canzoni che preferisco sono Numb, From the Inside e In the End... Magari ci sta anche Somewhere I Belong... :Dentocorre:
  10. .
    CITAZIONE (x Hooded x @ 20/9/2006, 20:04)
    Odio Axel ma ti do comunque il benvenuto

    Ciò mi riempie il cuore di gioia! :Asdcorre:
  11. .
    Grazie ! ^^
  12. .
    Salve gente! Finalmente trovo un bel forum di Kingdom Hearts dopo aver vagato per un anno intero nella rete!
    Come avrete notato sono un fan di Axel, il n° VIII.... ;)
    Ma per me è il numero 1!
2517 replies since 20/9/2006